PR Tips for Purpose-Driven Organizations
Expert insights and practical PR advice for leaders and marketers of purpose-driven organizations.

How to choose the best earned media strategies when you have a limited budget
When resources are tight, it can put a squeeze on PR efforts for purpose-driven organizations. That’s why it’s crucial to focus on efficient, results-oriented strategies. Here we share the most effective earned media tactics, weighing their pros and cons, to fine-tune your PR activities and reach your organization’s goals.
Building your personal brand for professional authority
If you want to gain exposure as a thought leader or subject matter expert, we recommend first developing a solid personal brand strategy and creating searchable content that demonstrates your expertise and the message you want to share.
Creating your contributed article strategy
For CEOs and subject matter experts who are looking for ways to increase awareness of their brand and become an authority in their field, writing and publishing articles is a fantastic way to share expertise, insights, and opinions.
So you want to be on the cover of The New York Times? Let’s chat about PR expectations
Public relations can be a very powerful and valuable tool as part of an overall marketing strategy; however, it is important to have realistic expectations for your PR program.
The importance of responsible storytelling
What is responsible storytelling? In short, it refers to a mindful and empathetic approach to storytelling which balances both the needs of the organization and the individuals whom the organization serves.
3 tips for guest blogging success
Guest blogging puts you in front of a target audience and serves as a platform to educate, inform, and showcase your expertise. In addition, this strategy is a great way to generate backlinks to your own site and build both domain authority and brand awareness.
Why you should consider putting your CEO in the spotlight
When people think of PR, they often think about garnering media coverage and critical acclaim for a company or organization’s product or service. But as a company or organization grows, it is also important, if not expected, for the CEO or executive director to share the spotlight as the face of the brand. “Expert positioning” is a facet of an overall PR strategy that builds visibility, credibility, and recognition for the organization’s leadership and creates avenues to share their voice and vision within an industry.
Maintaining authenticity of purpose: Sharing your impact when impact is no longer unique
The term “purpose-driven” has become a mainstream concept in the for-profit world and while these changes in corporate behavior are welcome, there is now a question of how to express brand purpose in an authentic manner. How do we continue to share stories of social impact when social impact itself has become “mainstream?”
Every month is B Corp Month
The month of March is officially “B Corp Month,” a celebration of purpose-driven companies and their missions to promote positive change, but promoting the value of “using business as a force for good” is something we can communicate all year long.
PR pitching secrets from the pros
If you have news to share and want to secure feature stories in coveted media outlets, any PR person will tell you that the pitch is the single most important part of the media outreach process and often makes the difference between oodles of feature stories or no coverage at all.
PR is for problem solving
What is the business challenge you hope PR will solve? PR can be an extremely effective tool for specific business challenges and for this reason, it should be an integral part of many brands’ marketing plans. However, being able to articulate the challenge and why you think PR can help solve that challenge is critical in order to gauge the success of the campaign.
PR FTW! When and why public relations strategy beats out paid advertising
Targeted ad campaigns and strategic placements certainly have a time and place in almost every marketing strategy and can be an effective tool to drive awareness. But with PR as part of the equation, advertising dollars can go further as ads help to reinforce PR messages.
How to ace the interview: Tips for success when you go on camera
Getting a spot on broadcast television is a big deal, you now have the opportunity to get your company and your mission in front of thousands of viewers. So how do you best prepare your spokesperson to make the most of local airtime?