
PR Tips for Purpose-Driven Organizations


Expert insights and practical PR advice for leaders and marketers of purpose-driven organizations.

How to earn media coverage over your competitors

How to earn media coverage over your competitors

Why do some organizations seem to get all the media attention? Sometimes it is a result of luck, but in most instances, you can control the variables that may be excluding you from earning media coverage. Here are five tips for how to secure press over your competitors.

From Pitch to Press: Getting Your News Published

From Pitch to Press: Getting Your News Published

Journalists will evaluate each pitch on its merits in a few key categories to decide if the story will get ink. To help ensure your pitch gets the coverage it deserves, you can evaluate your company’s news based on the following categories as well.

How to use HARO to get Media Exposure

How to use HARO to get Media Exposure

What if there was a way to not just hope a reporter would be interested, but to actually know what reporters are looking for on any given day and then contact them with your piece?

Media Room Must-Haves

Media Room Must-Haves

Only 6% of journalists say that online media rooms meet their needs – with lack of access to useful contact information and multimedia content being the biggest deficiencies. Follow our five must-haves for your media room to provide journalists with the information they need to include your brand in their stories.

Four Signs you Might Need PR

Four Signs you Might Need PR

Public relations is all too often an afterthought in a business’ marketing budget. Why spend time and resources on PR? Here are a few telltale signs that you need to invest in public relations.

Explaining Things, Explained

Explaining Things, Explained

If you work in a field that’s hard for laypeople to understand, like science or technology, you’ve probably noticed something:

Earned Influence – Redefining the Outcomes of PR?

Earned Influence – Redefining the Outcomes of PR?

Defining public relations has been a longtime challenge for its practitioners, even more so in the digital age. The flexibility we have had in defining our work has been a blessing on one hand, but problematic on the other as it makes it easy for anyone to present themselves as PR professionals regardless of their service offerings, which can range from strategic communications and media relations to brand journalism, social media management and more.

3 Tips to Establish Expertise Online

3 Tips to Establish Expertise Online

When people search for a product or service online, they all look for the expert in the field and the best professional support to tackle their specific problem.