“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” ― Fred Rogers
These are crazy times. There is much uncertainty and so many unknowns as the COVID-19 crisis escalates each day. Yet, there are so many opportunities. Opportunities to reset, refocus, reprioritize, and opportunities to serve. To help others. To make a difference.
One of our values as an agency is to “Look for and celebrate the good.” And that’s what has helped to keep us (somewhat) sane during this last week as we work to manage this unprecedented time. Yes, this is a difficult time. Yes, the news is overwhelming. It’s scary. It’s sad. But, there are also countless stories of people finding ways to be a light in the darkness. So, we’ve compiled a list of things people are doing to help others as a means for inspiration. Not big huge gestures, but the small things – running errands or grocery shopping for a senior, jumping in for a colleague who is trying to manage school closures and kids at home, calling to check up on a friend who is struggling, or letting go of the anxiety of getting work done to sit on the floor and play a game with your family.
Who knows how long this all will last. But, the only way we’re going to get through it is together. Thank you to those who are helping in ways big and small. We hope this will serve as a means to inspire and bring some hope and much-needed peace to this wild and crazy time.
How are you helping?
I put my phone down and was present with my kids. I am working to stay grateful and appreciative of this forced family time. I realize how I choose to react to all of this will determine whether they look back on this time with good memories or bad.
– Rhiannon Hendrickson, Orapin Marketing + Public Relations
I live in Grand County and it’s been amazing to see this small community help one another from posts on the Facebook Group about how to apply for unemployment, to extra baby wipes someone is willing to give away — it’s the little things but it’s everything. Our company donated to the Mountain Family Center which provides hunger relief, housing assistance and more to Grand County since 1979.
– Molly Ebert, Social Roadmap
It is our hope to contribute and connect through smiles and positivity. We are providing free print-at-home coloring sheets from our website. It’s a fun, creative activity to keep our ‘stuck inside’ kiddos busy. Also doing video how-to’s and other fun/free stuff from our Facebook page. Offering 15% off through April 30, 2020, with Magic Code: INTHISTOGETHER if anyone does choose to purchase.
– Jaimee Newberry, Picture This Clothing
I am taking a small trash bag with me on my daily walks to help clean up our community.
– Tiffany Charles, Destiny Capital
I am committed to providing perspective through a positive lens!
– Kerry Crandell, WoMAN:Women of M&A Network
Jewish Family Service is providing pre-packed boxes of food to anyone experiencing food insecurity with no documentation or sign-up needed. To limit face-to-face interactions and promote social distancing, boxes of food are distributed through a pick-up system directly outside of the food pantry.
– Alaina Green, Jewish Family Service of Colorado
My entire team, and family, are doing three main things. Working remotely to set a good example and trust that the CDC’s recommendations are the best course of action. Trying to order from restaurants for delivery to help small businesses in industries that are the most impacted. Crafted is matching up to $200 per employee if they would like to donate to a cause directly related to the COVID-19 situation.
– Adam Oliver, Crafted
We have placed a bin of books we no longer want on our porch along with a bottle of hand sanitizer. We posted about their availability on our community Facebook page along with a request for people to use the hand sanitizer before and after they select the books they would like.
– Craig Barnes, Agency Management Institute
We’re eating all dinners with take-out from locally owned, independent restaurants and buying gift cards/certificates to help with their cash flow.
– Dave Chase, Health Rosetta
We offered free marketing strategy and website / social media update assistance for coronavirus-related needs to all of our clients and partners.
– Dan Kobler, Campfire Digital
I tore up a check from a client that may not make it through the crisis.
– Alecia Huck, MAVERICK & Company
I’ve told all who would listen know about SBA Disaster Assistance to Colorado Small Businesses Economically Impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
– John Carter, Denver Banker
I set up and am managing a Facebook page for our block to stay in touch and help one another (about 100 houses on a densely populated street). I am sending a weekly update to clients and prospects making sure they’re well and offering to help them with technology, etc. for those who are not used to working from home. I am helping small non-essential local businesses with their online marketing at no cost.
– Eden Spodek, Spodek & Co.
We launched an emergency fund to continue our 24/7 individualized support and connectivity to our community and resources for each of our EmpowHER 2020 participants in this new reality. Additionally, we are working around the clock to proactively support our 2020 cohort and alumnae to adjust our course of action to design a virtual summer experience for 40 collegiate women and create specialized COVID-response content to keep their careers on track during uncertain times.
– Mary Bruce, The BA Womens’ Alliance
We are launching a webinar this Friday, March 27 on “How to Pivot Your Offline Events Into Online Conversions” and are planning to repeat it every Friday for the next three weeks.
– Kiley Peters, Brainchild Studios
We have raised emergency grant funding from impact investors to ensure that child care providers in our network can continue to educate young children into April. The goal of the funding is to minimize disruptions to educator income and help parents manage the cost incurred during a COVID-19-related exposure or absence.
– Elizabeth Szymanski, MyVillage
Delivering groceries from donors to older adults in Denver.
– Anne Modler, TaylorMade Connections
Our students and Scholars are grappling through the transition to remote classes, battling food and housing insecurities, and navigating
– Caroline Neal, Denver Scholarship Foundation
Again, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for those who are on the front lines and putting their lives at risk to save others during this crisis. And deep gratitude as well for those who are finding ways to make a difference and bring hope and light to their communities. Together, we will get through this – one step, one day at a time.
Rhiannon Hendrickson is the founder and CEO of Orapin, which helps purpose-driven organizations transform their random acts of PR into a strategic, consistent approach that generates greater awareness and impact. She has worked with organizations of all sizes across myriad industries and causes to develop earned media and thought leadership programs that generate awareness, engagement, and, ultimately, support for those that are making a meaningful impact.